Calling all members! Ever wonder how you can give back to this amazing group? Want to have some extra mommy time?
Do you have a few extra hours a month? If so, signing up to be a PAMOM Volunteer may be for you!!!!
SIGN UP: https://forms.gle/WBMtHDcjbAK6Pbdy5
The club is unable to run without volunteers! The Executive Board (President, VP Membership, VP Meetings, Treasurer, Secretary) have the most responsibility followed closely by the Board Chairs. Executive Board and Chairs are required to attend the board meetings (last Tuesday of the month- will remain virtual). If you can't make it to the meetings, we have many other roles that can be done from the comforts of your home!
For a complete list of available roles and responsibilities, see the PAMOM Board Descriptions file on Facebook. You can sign up with a friend to split the work on some roles. The roles transition in May.